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6Patient Summary: Age/Sex: 57, Female Visit Date: 01/03/2024 Chief Complaint: Gall stones, T2DM on glucophage 500 mg bid, no known drug allergies. Previous surgeries: appendectomy, right forea...Ultrasound of the abdomen, CBC, renal profile, liver function profile, C-Reactive Protein, Amylase. were requested but no CPT codes mapped with them. I would prefer that the history mentions that only these specific surgeries were done, as gallstones can be a direct complication of bariatric surgeries (eg sleeve gasterctomy) which are not covered by insurance. recommendations of laproscopic choleycystectomy without mentioning the ultrasound findings? guidlines entails that gallstone should be a minimum of 4mm for surgery. medications were given to the patient but was not provided in the claim details which is crucial and should include the following: prescription, duration dosage, brand name and chemical name. Renal profile was requested with no indication other than the patient being diabetic, which could be rejected if patient did the test in the past 3 months 2024-09-29 08:40:03Standard
7Patient Summary: Age/Sex: 33, Male Visit Date: 02/03/2024 Chief Complaint: Follow-up for mixed hyperlipidemia and fibromyalgia. The patient is doing better. Allergies: No known allergies....simple case for follow up and medication refil. medications prescribed should be as per MOH drug list format. 2024-09-28 19:35:27Standard
8Patient Summary: Age/Sex: 12, Male Visit Date: 02/03/2024 Chief Complaint: Left ankle pain since morning, with a history of trauma during play 3 days ago. Fever in the morning. Vitals: Te...prolactonin will be rejected as it is not first line, cbc and crp should be checked first and based on their results, it may be considered. usually with trauma/injury cases (although not applicable in this case but if the processor practices scrunity) will require the following details: where (to exclude work related injuries as it is not covered) when (to evaluate the duration and onset of the condition and match it with the history and presenting signs and symptoms) how (to exclude self inflicted injuries, and match it with signs and sympotoms) wrong cpt mapped as 29075 is for upper limbs, case is for lower limb (ankle) 2024-09-28 19:42:03Standard
9Patient Summary: Age/Sex: 50, Male Visit Date: 03/03/2024 Chief Complaint: Cough, mucus, right eye discharge, symptoms started 2 days ago. Vitals: Temperature: 36.9°C, Heart Rate: 85 bpm,...ICD H10.13 is for bilateral while history ditcates left eye only. ESR not indicated with CRP Creatinine may be rejected, can be considered with patients age. Zinc is not indicated in this case and not covered by most insurance policies medications should be in MOH drug list format. 2024-09-28 19:52:04Standard
10Patient Summary: Age/Sex: 40, Female Visit Date: 03/03/2024 Chief Complaint: Bilateral lower limb swelling (mainly in the evening), palpitations, no chest pain. Vitals: Temperature: 36.5°...HbA1C may be rejected as no history of diabetes and RBS/FBS was not done initially. patient is on crestor (for lipids) history did not mention but recommendations were given medications should follow MOH drug list format patient has palpitations but no ecg (especially with bilateral lower limbs swelling) or tsh was recommended 2024-09-28 19:58:17Standard
11Patient Summary: Age/Sex: 41, Male Visit Date: 07/03/2024 Chief Complaint: Type 2 diabetes since 2011, fatty liver, low vitamin D. Vitals: Temperature: 35.8°C, Heart Rate: 73 bpm, O2 Sat:...low vitamin d levels mentioned in history but previous report details was not shared (to follow vitamin d testing guidelines) and no signs or symptoms related to vitamin d deficiency were mentioned. 2024-09-28 20:00:45Standard
12Patient Summary: Age/Sex: 36, Female Visit Date: 05/03/2024 Chief Complaint: Follow-up for anemia, vitamin D deficiency, and hypercholesterolemia. Vitals: Temperature: 37°C, Heart Rate: 8...vitamin d rejected, no indication as per presenting sings and symptoms, no previous report details 2024-09-28 20:02:39Standard
13Patient Summary: Age/Sex: 11, Female Visit Date: 04/03/2024 Chief Complaint: Headache, nausea, vomiting, chest pain, abdominal pain. Vitals: Temperature: 37.3°C, Blood Pressure: 101/63 mm...CT brain rejected as not first line in diagnoning an acute case of headache. no tests we ordered for the other complaints ( cbc, crp, h pylori and electrolytes) 2024-09-28 20:10:58Standard
14Patient Summary: Age/Sex: 14, Female Visit Date: 13/03/2024 Chief Complaint: Follow-up for anemia. Vitals: Temperature: 37.1°C, Height: 146.5 cm, Weight: 36.9 kg, BMI: 17. Initial Diagno...previous vitamin d levels required with supplementation history for repeat test. no presenting signs and symptoms suggesting vitamin d def2024-09-28 20:13:06Standard
15Patient Summary: Age/Sex: 37, Female Visit Date: 05/03/2024 Chief Complaint: Previous 3 C-sections, trying to conceive, ovulation issues. Vitals: Temperature: 36°C, Heart Rate: 66 bpm, O2...trying to concieve = rejected, anything related to contraception and fertility is not covered. pap smear rejected as screening ultra co-q and ovacre are not covered as a policy exclusion 2024-09-28 20:15:47Standard
16Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. SABA NOORI ABDULHASSAN ABDULHASSAN, Employee License No: 14076, on 03/03/2024 at 19:06:17 37 y, P4+1 Previous 3 LSCS, LCB 2018 1 miscarriage (24 weeks) No contrace...infertility not covered, requested tests not covered, screening tests not covered claim rejected 2024-09-28 20:18:56Standard
17Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. ALI ABDULMUNAEM AL SABBBAGH, Employee License No: 6865, on 04/03/2024 The patient, a 2-year-old female, presented with acute onset of frequent vomiting (more than 10 ...good claim, no commnets 2024-09-28 20:21:03Standard
18Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. FARID YOUSEF ZIDAN, Employee License No: 10348, on 11/03/2024 at 12:00:27 Follow up after investigation Vitamin D deficiency, Urea breath test positive (68) Aller...hexibo (probiotic) and eucarbon (not FDA Approved) not covered vitamin d withour repoorts 2024-09-28 20:26:41Standard
19Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. HALA A. AL SHAIKH, Employee License No: 5721, on 04/03/2024 at 10:36:38 17 years and 5 months old girl Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) diagnosed in April 2011 On Insu...considered an autoimmune condition which most policies does not cover. claim may be rejected accordingly 2024-09-28 20:28:30Standard
20Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. ZAID SAHEB MOHAMMED SEDAAI, Employee License No: 10371, on 05/03/2024 at 17:20:40 Chief Complaints: CAD Hypertension (HTN) Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Dyslipidemia ( suggested with no investigations (ecg, echo, tmt, troponin) medications adjustement is fine, with the supportive labs. 2024-09-28 21:25:45Standard
21Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. HALA A. AL SHAIKH, Employee License No: 5721, on 04/03/2024 at 10:36:38 17 years and 5 months old girl Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) diagnosed in April 2011 On Insu...type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition, most policies dont covere autoimmune. claimkit should alert the same to confirm coverage before proceeding 2024-09-29 05:17:38Standard
22Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. ZAID SAHEB MOHAMMED SEDAAI, Employee License No: 10371, on 04/03/2024 at 11:43:44 Chief Complaints: Headache Body dryness Poor sleep General tiredness Palpitat...wrong icd R22.9 vitamin d and b12 and calcium rejected as screening and not indicated, not related to the presenting signs and symptoms psychiatric related issues to be confirmed with policy coverage as usually it is excluded2024-09-29 05:22:32Standard
23Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. SAEED IQBAL, Employee License No: 6020, on 04/03/2024 at 11:54:42 Chief Complaints: Cough Cold Flu Leg and bone pains On steroids for more than 2 years Feel...cbc report could be asked to justify the request for TIBC claimkit should extract the medications prescribed from the history and add it in the summary/pdf2024-09-29 05:26:35Standard
24Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. FOROUGH RADFAR, Employee License No: 248906, on 06/03/2024 at 10:57:03 Chief Complaints: Married for 1 year and 2 months Complains of abnormal periods, delayed fo...icd Z01.419 for ultrasound request instead of cpt 76856 ferose prescribed without checking blood tests = rejected2024-09-29 05:32:29Standard
25Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. SARA MOHAMMED FADLY FAHMY, Employee License No: 17154, on 11/03/2024 at 14:04:11 27 years old Married for 3 years No pregnancies Using natural contraception Reg...Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome not covered under most insurance policies folliculometry not covered as infertility related oligiocare,. co q10 and pregnacre conception not covered. 2024-09-29 05:37:06Standard
26Patient Information: MRN: 301688 Episode No: 315908 Patient Name: Layan Mahmood Al Harthi Provider Name: Dr. Mohd Jaffer Sajwani Encounter No: 226885 Visit ID: VST0307473 Visit Date: 22/02/20...cpt code for ultrasound KUB should be generated by claimkit 2024-09-29 05:48:03Standard
27Patient Information: MRN: 305741 Episode No: 320423 Patient Name: Ahmed Saud Al-Bartamani Provider Name: Dr. Manish Dhabalia Encounter No: 152929 Visit ID: VST0311633 Visit Date: 06/03/2024 indications for CT and MRI no initial radiology tests (usg) no details of injury/trauma no physical examinaiton findings provided (hawkins, neers, jobbe's ect..) claim rejected2024-09-29 05:50:37Standard
28Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. HALA ZEINELABDIN IBRAHIM EL IMAM, Employee License No: 17907, on 04/03/2024 at 17:20:35 Dizziness, chest discomfort since morning 21 years old, no comorbidities F...betadine throat spray rejected as a standard exclusion other diagnostic tests should be considered (eg. crp & electrolytes ) renal profile could be rejected in this case2024-09-29 06:02:24Standard
29Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. ALAA MOHAMMAD AHMAD, Employee License No: 13741, on 04/03/2024 at 12:17:11 Chief Complaints: Recurrent UTI, started a few years ago 2-3 episodes per year, last ep...preventetive treatments are not covered under insurance, urovaxam urine routine required to support the diagnosis and urine culture to confirm and identify the bacterial strand for appropriate prescription 2024-09-29 08:20:03Standard
30Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. HALA ZEINELABDIN IBRAHIM EL IMAM, Employee License No: 17907, on 04/03/2024 at 22:51:46 Left loin pain, dysuria, nausea since morning 28 years old, hypothyroidism ...wrong cpt mapped CPT Code: 87086 is for urine culture, not urine analysis, only one diagnosis mentioned, there should be primary diagnosis (unspecidied renal colic) and secondary diagnosis as well diagnostic provedures should have their equivalent cpt codes. chronic gonadotriphin and beta hcg not indicated as per LMP date, maternity coverage should be confirmed 2024-09-29 08:28:09Standard
31Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. MOHAMED REDHA MOOSA YOOSUF AL LAWATI, Employee License No: 13921, on 05/03/2024 The patient, a 60-year-old female, visited Internal Medicine on 05/03/2024 for diabe...specific tests requested should have cpt codes secondary diagnosis with ICD should be provided (hypertension, hypthyroidism, hyperlipidemia) otherwise their medications and related tests will be rejected 2024-09-29 08:31:18Standard
32Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. ZAINAB ALI, Employee License No: 11070, on 04/03/2024 at 12:31:31 PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) Duphaston taken for two months and then stopped Now Primolut ... PCOS not covered as a standard exclusion, which includes the treatments as well. whole claim will be rejected. diagnostic requests should be mapped with their equivalent cpt codes 2024-09-29 08:35:47Standard
33Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. ELENA LUKANSKAJA, Employee License No: 13555, on 05/03/2024 at 10:09:55 Follow-up Complains of lower abdominal pain, spotting from the vagina LMP: 10/02/2024, tod...CPT Code 76856 (Ultrasound, pelvic) under the symptoms where it should be under the diagnostic requests nothing else to note2024-09-29 08:39:32Standard
34Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. ADIL AL GHAFRI, Employee License No: 261, on 05/03/2024 at 18:45:17 Follow-up OPD visit 56-year-old female with the following background: No comorbidities Query IA (...2024-09-28 11:49:20Standard
35Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. JUMA AL LAWATI, Employee License No: 15749, on 05/03/2024 at 11:20:08 Complaints: Heartburn Itching in the perianal area History of Present Illness: Few days history o...2024-09-28 11:49:43Standard
36Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. MOHAMED REDHA MOOSA YOOSUF AL LAWATI, Employee License No: 13921, on 05/03/2024 The patient, a 60-year-old female, visited the Internal Medicine department on 05/03/20...2024-09-28 11:50:10Standard
37Allergies Recorded by Not Selected. JACOB PHILIP, on 11-Dec-2021 No Known Allergies Triage Details Recorded by Ms. NEETHU JOJI, on 28-Oct-2023 Triage Code: T3 Triage Category: URGENT Acuity: Attend ...2024-09-28 11:50:31Standard
38Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. MOHAMED REDHA MOOSA YOOSUF AL LAWATI, Employee License No: 13921, on 05/03/2024 The patient, a 29-year-old male, visited the Internal Medicine department on 05/03/2024...2024-09-28 11:51:21Standard
39Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. JUMA AL LAWATI, Employee License No: 15749, on 05/03/2024 at 11:20:08 Complaints of heartburn and itching in the perianal area Few days history of heartburn, no alarm ...2024-09-28 11:51:39Standard
40Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. BASHIR AHMED BHAT, Employee License No: 12550, on 05/03/2024 at 17:00:57 Difficulty in walking with pain in the right leg around the knee area No fever No history of t...2024-09-28 11:51:56Standard
41Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. ADIL AL GHAFRI, Employee License No: 261, on 05/03/2024 at 18:45:17 Follow-up OPD visit 56-year-old female with the following background: No comorbidities Query IA (In...2024-09-28 11:52:14Standard
42Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. FARID YOUSEF ZIDAN, Employee License No: 10348, on 05/03/2024 at 17:08:17 Follow-up for his condition BP: 166/89, HR: 85 His condition is good No edema Blood sugar is ...2024-09-28 11:52:31Standard
43Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. ZAID SAHEB MOHAMMED SEDAAI, Employee License No: 10371, on 05/03/2024 at 09:29:00 Smoker, non-alcoholic Chief Complaints: General tiredness, body aches, poor sleep, ch...2024-09-28 11:52:52Standard
44Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. SALIM AL HARTHY, Employee License No: 360, on 14/02/2024 The patient, a 37-year-old female, visited the Gastroenterology department on 14/02/2024 at 17:10:08 for abdom...2024-09-28 11:53:36Standard
45Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. HALA A. AL SHAIKH, Employee License No: 5721, on 06/03/2024 at 10:45:50 11 years and 10 months old girl Complaining of on and off headaches and fatigue for the past 6 ...2024-09-28 11:54:28Standard
46Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. FOROUGH RADFAR, Employee License No: 248906, on 04/03/2024 at 14:35:30 P2, both deliveries by NVD (Normal Vaginal Delivery), last delivery 18 years ago LMP: 29/01/2024...2024-09-28 11:55:25Standard
47Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. HILAL NASSER AL-MUSALHI, Employee License No: 255, on 14/02/2024 at 16:51:53 37-year-old married woman with a past medical history (PMH) of gestational diabetes mellit...2024-09-28 11:55:51Standard
48Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. HILAL NASSER AL-MUSALHI, Employee License No: 255, on 06/03/2024 at 17:17:07 Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) diagnosed in April 2014 Vitamin D3 deficiency Reflow 15 mmol...2024-09-28 11:56:10Standard
49Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. HILAL NASSER AL-MUSALHI, Employee License No: 255, on 06/03/2024 at 15:49:01 Hashimoto's thyroiditis with Anti-TPO-Ab > 1300 On Metformin as per advice from gynecologi...2024-09-28 11:57:03Standard
50Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. HILAL NASSER AL-MUSALHI, Employee License No: 255, on 14/02/2024 at 16:51:53 37-year-old married lady with a past medical history (PMH) of gestational diabetes mellitu...2024-09-28 11:57:30Standard
51Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. HILAL NASSER AL-MUSALHI, Employee License No: 255, on 06/03/2024 at 17:17:07 Type 2 DM (Diabetes Mellitus) diagnosed in April 2014 Vitamin D3 deficiency Reflow: 15 mmo...2024-09-28 11:58:21Standard
52Chief Complaint Recorded by Dr. SABAH AWAD, Employee License No: 21379, on 06/03/2024 at 20:04:15 9-year-old boy No PMHx, no drug allergies Chief complaint: Epigastric abdominal cramps, nausea, vomit...2024-09-28 11:58:42Standard
53No reportNo feedback provided2025-02-10 23:00:57Unknown